Tuesday 18 May 2010

Forget is it a bird is it a plane? Moreover is it Salvador Dali? Is it Eduard Einstein? Are they handle bars?

... They call her 'The bearded Lady'... Though no one actually knows her real identity. There have been reports of women in Huddersfield simply not doing a good enough job when it comes to keeping abreast of their facial hair; The bearded Lady's creations seek to blur the already fuzzy lines around whether or not facial hair is acceptable. When it comes to tracking her down MAYFAIR have found it increasingly difficult; often confusing her with elderly gentlemen swinging their walking canes and twiddling their own whiskers. Captured here is a rare sighting of the tached beast which MAYFAIR wanted to share with its' fellow devotees.

What you can't see is that behind that moustache Maria Scaife is in fact grinning. Headstrong and forward thinking Maria Scaife is in fact a force to be reckoned with and one should not be fooled as much as one may find her creation humorous as she is deadly serious when it comes to the ambition and drive needed to succeed. Soon to be leaving the town to pastures new, Maria Scaife is currently pursuing a career to become a Fashion Designer, recently securing her place at Middlesex University. But before she takes her moustaches 'darn sarth' in her special moustache shaped carry case, she'll be selling her facial hair inspired necklaces and cushions at MAYFAIR. We think they're pretty quirky, cool and surprisingly androgynous.

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